Monday, September 14, 2009


Finally! All summer long Noelle would wake up and put on her back-pack and ask if today was finally the day she went to school. "Soon" I would tell her. Well, "Soon" arrived and she finally was able to take that back-pack somewhere. She actually slept with it last night and was wearing it even before she got out of bed. I actually had a hard time sleeping and had some knots in my stomach this morning. Isn't that just pathetic?

When I asked her what she wanted for breakfast she said in a frustrated voice, "Nothing, I just wanna go to school." After I convinced in her it wasn't time she said she wanted pancakes. So, pancakes it was.
Daddy planned on going with us but the one day Madeleine decides to sleep it, it's today! So, he hung back with little baby and sadly settled for hugs and kisses at home while I took her.

We got out of the car and she wanted to just run right in. I made her stop for a couple more pictures. I was feeling very conflicted - I knew how much she was going to love it but so very sad that things at home would be changing, part of me wanted to turn and take her back. Mrs. Andrea greeted her at the door with a big hug and all kids of hoop-la. She had to make Noelle turn back and give her Mama some good-bye kisses. I cried the whole way home. Again, horribly pathetic.

At pick up time, I didn't get pictures of her running out the door because I didn't want to be distracted, just wanted to see the excitement on her face. I wasn't disappointed.

This is what she did, plus made a bracelet, and got to pick a surprise out of the treasure box (some sort of ball contraption.) She was overflowing with excitement. If you can't tell in the pictures by her hair she is jumping up and down. This month they are doing activities that help them get used to being away from home and feel secure at school. This week they are concentrating on ways to travel to school.
And, what does a three year old pack for their first day of school? Here you go: