I know it has
waaaaay too much time has passed since our last post. That last two weeks have just gotten away from me! I have taken some picture with out blog in mind, though! So, here goes, it's gonna be a long one. Here N
oelle is after our afternoon at the Farmer's Market! We bought all kinds of yummy fruits and veggies, herbs and we got some pretty flowers. We had a lot of fun walking around and tasting everything. I think strawberries are definitely her favorite food, though! We will be sad when the season is over because she eats them every single day! They are so yummy and juicy!

I am
SOOO glad I was able to get the camera in time for this one! I was running the shower so I could get in and then I turn around! There is Noelle enjoying the COLD water running all over her, I did not even hear her get in! She did not seam to mind the cold water at a

ll. She is so silly. We have so much fun during the day. She is always surprising me with silly new things she comes up with! Many times it has involved water! I am so grateful for the chance to be a Mommy - especially hers! She is such a sweet blessing.

Last week we finally did something I have been wanting to do since we move here was go to the Ronald Reagan Library. We went with our sweet friend Stephanie
Lovio and really did enjoy ourselves! I really was not sure what to expect... It was j

ust a library full of all kinds of memorabilia of him and his life. From his childhood, his acting career, marriage to Nancy, presidency, etc. We also toured
airforce one. Sorry the picture on the left is blurry but it's the only one we took!
Finally I have to post about Noelle's musical talents! She has always loved music and things that make noise but now she can really play on a real instrument. Aaron's Grandpa was able to get us a used (kinda older- but free!) piano and Noelle LOVES it. None of us play it (yet!) but we know that our children will and wanted to take advantage of a free one while we had the chance!