Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Noelle Is The Best Because...

  1. She lays down in the bath and says quietly over and over, "Oh da water...Oh da water...Oh da water..."
  2. Her favorite pass time (aside fr0m computers, phone or remotes) is to clomp around the house in every pair of shoes she can find (her favorite way to do it is stark naked while she finds weird things to put in her little stroller and push that around, too.)
  3. She comes to give me hugs and kisses then runs to the couch. She hides behind the cushions and says, "Bye Mommy, I yuv you!"
  4. She loves to eat nuts.
  5. She loves to plain yogurt, she would probably choose yogurt over any type of junk food.
  6. She loves to eat bread and whenever she sees it she loudly yells out, "OH, DA BREAD!"
  7. She loves to eat salad.
  8. I guess she just really likes to eat. She comes by it naturally.
  9. She has no fear (except dark rides at Disneyland.) For example, the waves at the beach knock her over and she jumps back up. She loves to ride in the basket part of the cart and when I stop abruptly it startles her and she bursts out in laughter. She loves to go fast, period.
  10. She is the world's biggest copy cat.
  11. She always wants you to, "Push it!" and she says it about 900 times a day.
  12. She does not like to watch TV.
  13. When you ask her where is toy is she say, "I dunno."
  14. She hides behind anything she can and yells out, "Where da baby?" and when her face pops out she yells, "Dere she is!"
  15. She loves doggies.
  16. She loves birdies.
  17. She loves kitties.
  18. She is very stubborn and I think it will get her far in life.
  19. She LOVES buckles.
  20. She is head over heels in love with her Daddy. (aka: Disneyland Dad)
  21. She loves to sing all kids of primary songs.
  22. Her laugh is the sweetest thing I have ever heard.
  23. She loves to tickle other people.
  24. She has the cutest chubby thighs.
  25. She loves her Mommy.


We had a great time at Disneyland with Auntie 'M'.....
Noelle LOVED the teacups, but HATED Pirates of the Caribbean or any of the other dark rides.

The whole time Noelle's mouth was gaping open because she was so excited.

But next time we may just ride that tram that takes you back and forth from the parking structure because that may have been her favorite part.

Eating Crapes At The Mall
