Better late than never, eh?
We had a fantastic Memorial day weekend. I must say our days off are much more different now without all the people we know and our family. Not so crazy with all kinds of commitments and having to decide between activities.
After church on Sunday we BBQ'ed at the park by our house with people from our ward. Everyone was so nice and we had a great time. Madeleine spent the evening stealing food from all the tables. Nothing like walking around knawing on a piece of chicken, huh? The kids played themselves silly, the Moms chatted, and the Dads play a game called 'Cornhole.'
Afterwards we ran home got our kids in jammies and went over to the Hiatts to play games. We stayed up until way too late but it sure was fun!

The next day, I felt like I spent the whole day cooking in the kitchen and then cleaning up. What else is new? We went over the Hiatts again for another BBQ. The kids loved the trampoline and all the little girls just love Madeleine. Her nickname at home is 'Boppie' and it seems that it is sticking because all the little girls love calling her 'Boppie.' And it seems like all Madeleine did was eat cookies. Every time I turned around she had another one. Gotta love that girl!