We went to Madeleine's 2 month well baby check this morning. She was so very, very mad when I woke her to take her clothes off, the whole time she was getting weighed and measured she screamed her little head off. She then promptly peed all over me when I picked her up, sure showed me! She was all smiles and cooing for the rest of the exam. Until it was vaccination time, that is, not so much fun. 5 shots for such a tiny thing! I'm sure the screaming could be heard in the next building. By the time we got back home she was sound asleep, that was interrupted by more incessant screaming. Julianna rescued me with some Tylenol and she seems to be feeling better. Poor baby girl.
Weight: 12lbs 14oz - 87%
Length: 23 Inches - 68%
Head: 15.5 - 63%