YEA! Auntie helped me fix my computer, now I can download pictures. This is really picture heavy, but I am sure you guys are happy to look at these sweet girls, right? I have a lot of updating to do, stick with me over the next couple of days!
Madeleine has created her own schedule and generally wakes every three hours on the nose. She usually nurses at 6am and I try to get back to sleep ASAP because I know Noelle will be in by around 6:45-7. I pray that she will decide to sleep in and I will get a full hour but it never happens. Those few minutes of sleep go by so fast, I am just too tired and not ready to get up, so we usually hang out in bed for quite a while.
This is what our mornings look like.
When Daddy is home, he is either on his computer taking care of e-mails or on the couch with a baby asleep on his chest.
Noelle has become my sous chef. Here we are making my seriously yummy cinnamon rolls. I would love to eat one right now.
I hear a lot of rustling and noise and turn around to find Noelle had climbed in this bag. It provided a good hour of entertainment! The video is the best, I'll try to get that posted.

Really rough mornings we turn the TV on for her. For Christmas she got some 'Little Einstein' movies. I can actually tolerate listening to them over and over again, the classical music is doable. The best part is when she asks to watch them, "Mommy, can I watch Fittle Fine Fines?"

Here is Noelle's first slumber party, she invited all of her favorite stuffed toys. You have to sleep on the floor at a slumber party, right?

Here is Noelle's first slumber party, she invited all of her favorite stuffed toys. You have to sleep on the floor at a slumber party, right?