Well, we did go to Vegas but nothing really happened there that needs to stay. My BFF is moving home to Seattle. Melissa and her family have lived in Vegas for the past three years. Jeremiah got a new job in Seattle so they are moving back. This is bitter sweet be

cause they will no longer be living within driving distance so visits will not be as easy. But, they do give me an excuse to go back to the Pacific Northwest, which I am so excited for! We did not do anything over the top, which was fine with me. The girls had fun playing together (when Noelle was not screaming and being totally unbearable!) We just wanted to spend time

together and visit. We took a drive up to Mt. Charleston which was less than an hour away from their home and over 30 degrees cooler! It was a luscious 75 degrees. We packed a yummy picnic from Trader Joe's and just enjoyed the cool air. The girls went on a walk with their Daddy and the family Dog, MoJo and had fun talking to us on the Walkie-Talkies's. Before we knew it we had to pack up and go back to the sco

rching weather. We were there less than 4 days and the time went too fast! Melissa and Jeremiah celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary that week. CONGRATULATIONS! Wow how time goes by. We had fun renting movies and we even got to have a night out to dinner and a Movie (with just a little stop over at the GAP) with just the two Mommies. We cannot wait for them to buy a new home so that we can come visit and help them move in!