Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Dang Thyroid

The Blood Pressure medicine seemed to not be working because my numbers were staying about the same. I have even had some crazy high numbers after a couple really busy days. So, on Friday I saw the nurse practitioner at my OB's office and she pretty much blew me off. She did mention that my thyroid lab had come back low in passing. It is so frustrating that my doctor is gone!!! Meanwhile, my Aunt Lorrie works with a cardiologist and she ran my case by him and he felt that this matter needed more attention. So he had a total lab work up done and it is a good thing he did.

My thyroid has completely gone crazy. The thyroid is a very complicated thing so it can be confusing, but this is the short of it. It is not producing enough of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, therefore, my levels of T3 and T4 are SEVEN times the normal level. This is then causing my kidneys to malfunction, thus, high blood pressure. And my hemoglobin was low so we get to add anemia to this whole mess!

So there was a few moments of craziness last night when we were figuring out if I should just go to the emergency room or what. But I was not having major symptoms of what they call a "thyroid storm" so it was safe to wait until morning. We got a blood pressure cuff at home for me to keep checking, I doubled up on the medicine and stayed in bed. I go to my OB's office first thing this morning and they will send me to see an endocrinologist and this whole thing should get taken care of. Once the thyroid gets in check everything else will fall into line, also.

So let's just say a little prayer that our baby is doing well and this will all be behind us. If Aaron says one more time that we are not having any more kids, I might punch him! :)