Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I was totally on the ball and got so much done, I love it when that happens. We're leaving for our 4th of July Pilgrimage to Rexburg tomorrow...the house is pretty clean and the clothes are all washed. It's a miracle.

When I went upstairs to get M after afternoon nap, someone had decided to grab their blanket, climb in and keep her company:
Only a Mommy would think their baby is soooooo cute eating Cheerios, huh? I think she's doing pretty well at grabbing them for her age. And Noelle is the background just adds to the cuteness.

We walked to the store in the morning and this guy stops to coo over M and turns to Noelle and says, "Looks like your little brother forgot his shoes this morning! He's so handsome and you're a princess, huh?"
I just smiled and walked on, but really wanted to say, "Do boys wear yellow dresses with pink flowers? You fool!"

Hallelujah! Angels were singing about 6:00 Saturday evening....I started about 8:00am and did not take a single break. But, the flower beds are done! I think they look awesome. We still have some little things to major part is finally O.V.E.R. The backs of my legs are still sore.