It has taken me a week to write a post to honor President Hinckley because I felt like words just do not suffice how I feel for him.
I rememeber the day when President Hunter died. I was up before the sun getting ready for seminary. I can feel myself standing in front of the bathroom mirror and I can hear the radio alarm in my Mom's room playing country music. The song was over and the DJ came on and said that the President of the LDS church had died. I was so surprised. It made me remember the time when I was in the first grade and telling my friends in the lunch line that the Prophet had died and they looked at me like I was crazy. From a young age, even when our family was less active and did not participate, I knew how important the President of Our Church was.
Last Sunday night I went over to a friends home and she told what had happened. My heart broke because I would never hear him speak again and I was so happy for his reunion with Sister Hinckley.
President Hinckley was a beacon for me through all my formative years. His optimisim, tenderness towards people, humor, kindness, and love always bolstered me up and he filled me with hope. He was my prophet. I love and miss him.