Hello! My name is Courtney Ann Jones.
A.K.A: Cranky Courtney, The Crank, The Crankster, Courtney Girl
Why do they call me this, you ask?
Well, I will just let this picture speak for itself...
I cry. A lot. But whatever. It's just how I roll.
Just hold me all the live long day (you'd better be standing up!)
and you won't hear a peep out of me unless I am really tired or hungry.
But I do have my good moments,
a girl's gotta throw her Mama a bone once in a while.
I am just so cute! (And tiny compared to my other siblings.)
Everyone loves me to pieces regardless of what I do or how I act.
Hello! My name is Adam Everett Jones.
AKA: Good Boy, Bubbas, The Bubs, Adam Boy
I am such a good baby.
I smile, play with my feet, and make cute baby boy noises.
But, hey, just don't come between this boy and his milk!
That really gets me riled up and nothing else will do.
I will also admit, there are times when I just really need some snuggles and
my Mama is always happy to give her boy what he needs.
My sister and I have been trying oatmeal and it's not too shabby!
I have been a little reluctant to eat (see previous conversation about milk)
but I am catching on.
We love being twins and growing up together!!!