Aaron bought me a really nice Mother's day gift. We have been thinking about buying one but thought it was a while off. Then I saw a used one on Craigslist that had actually never been used by it's owners and was too good of a deal to pass up! What is it? It's a Tent Trailer! Yea! We took it to the beach on it's maiden voyage. Despite the fact that it was FREEZING and WINDY we had a good time.
Noelle running around after Noelle. Poor Evynn could not get rid of her tag-a-long the entire time.
Noelle loved her bed.
She could not get enough of walking the dog. That is Auntie and Unc's mo-ho in the background.

We got an hour or two of sunshine on Saturday and we had fun playing Scattegories. I cannot believe I posted this horrible picture of me! 
I love this picture!!!
I love this picture!!!
Daddy and his girl playing on the rocks.
Most of us know Aaron and that he is really silly, actually a lot like a child himself! He always makes up little fun words and songs. When he comes home from work he plays and tickles Noelle, when he starts tickling her he says, "Oh, gee-gee-bop!"
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Noelle's new favorite song.
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