Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Is Falling...

I must admit it's exciting to live in a place that
actually experiences the season, 'Fall.'
Yesterday as we were pulling out of the driveway Noelle burst out,
"Look at the tree! The leaves are falling like Ms. Rebecca said!"
(They're learning about fall and leaves at school.)
The Fall weather here is fabulous.
Cool evenings, crisp mornings, and sunshine-y 70 degree afternoons.
Next week this is supposed to change but we're enjoying it for now.
We've started baking yumming treats and cooking with the oven instead of the BBQ. ;) One of our favorite things has been these apples. Yes, it took me 4 hours to drive up there and wait in line but we've gone through 25 pounds of them in a matter of a couple weeks. I thought I'd be canning and making sauce but we've enjoyed eating them too much. Next year we know to get more!

We've been enjoying family nights at our favorite park before it starts getting dark early. These girls are so much dang fun.

Dipping caramel apples with friends.
Yummy, gooey,