After getting a late start we arrived about 2am Friday morning...
After she woke up Madeleine finally got to spend some
quality time with Lena. She missed her so much.
After Auntie & Unc got home from work they loaded
up and headed off on their weekend adventure.
Camping at Pismo Beach. I was so happy and excited
for her but also sad that she was big enough to leave me.
They had the BEST.TIME.EVER.
Meanwhile, Aaron and I ran around like crazy
seeing people and getting things done.
Dinner with the Lindsays, dinner with Marin,
dinner with my girls. So much dang fun.
Saturday was beach day with Ruthie & Wilde's.
I could have sat there for days and days and not
Lorenzens for a few hours. We reminisced about
their trip to NM by making Sopapillas.
They were amazing.
We went through and entire jar of her
homemade strawberry jam!
Labor Day was a fun BBQ @ the Meldrums.
Food = yum.
Water = fun.
After food the kids went inside and
played with the Daddies and the girls
sat outside in the fantastic weather and
chatted. Loved it.

I got to snuggle sweet Naomi Jean who I've been
dying to get my hands on.
Our last night we spent @ Grandmas.
These two girls ran around like crazy getting
so dirty and stinky. They HAD to have a bath.
Auntie M was more than happy to help out.
All the while singing, "At The Car Wash."
I love everyone so much and not having them in my daily
life is difficult. But, each time it hurts a tiny bit less.
That helps, I guess!
Next trip November 4-8...Beach Camping @ Refugio.