Last Wednesday we left for Idaho to visit Aaron's family. We drove through the night and made awesome time. Given that we were so tired we just hung out around the house on Thursday; Noelle played with her cousin Macey and we played with Denise's twins, Cole & Carter, who were only a month old last time we saw them. They are so cute!

The next day we woke up early to head out for a little adventure...Camping! Aaron's Dad and heard about these great fishing ponds where you could 'camp.' We woke up early to head out, the girls were still sleeping so when we stopped for breakfast they were still in their jammies. Fun! The drive there was kind of neat, we were driving through some one's huge cattle farm. At one point we had to stop and got to watch them move a huge heard. Real live cowboys! Ha!
When we arrived where you 'camp,' we were shocked. It literally was just an area of really tall grass, you pull up where ever you desire and set up camp. The terrible part was the grass was infested with mosquitoes. I was freaking out! We figured it out but to say the least I was regretting my decision to take my kids out in this mess. There were no mosquitoes where you fish, so Noelle & Daddy had a great time. Then huge thunderstorm moved in, rained like crazy, then moved out. Luckily, that took care of a lot of the blood suckers. We cooked foil dinners and cobbler...YUM! Noelle slept through all that, so we made s'mores for her.
The night was miserable, I literally got no sleep.
To say the least I was happy when it was over and we pulled out of that place!

The next day was Independence Day. YEA! We rushed back to the house, showered, and headed off to the Rexburg Annual 4th of July parade. Noelle especially loved dancing to all the music but didn't really get into all the candy they throw out to you. When that was over we came home, hung out, (I took a much needed nap with Madeleine), and then BBQ'ed hamburgers. We then drove to Idaho Falls for fireworks. We had a blast playing games, the kids ran around after each other, throwing the little sapper-popper things at everyone.

Speaking of the little snapper-popper things (like my very technical term?) Noelle was addicted! I don't know who was giving them to her, probably strangers, but every time I looked up she was coming to me with a new box. If one didn't snap, she would just stomp on it! It was great.

For the second year in a row Noelle was NOT a fan of fireworks. They absolutely freak her out. I will say that we were directly underneath them and they were LOUD, but every other kid was fine! When they started it was, "Those are too scary for Noelle!" Then the tears started. Then she was sticking her head under my shirt while begging me to take her in the car. We settled on wrapping her sweater around her ears and she covered her eyes. She warmed up towards the end and cracked a couple of fingers over one eye so she could take a little peak.

Sunday was quiet, we went to church, watched a movie, relaxed, and did our own fireworks that night. The kids, (including Aaron) loved being pyro-maniacs.

Our last day was Monday, we had a slow morning, Daddy had fun with the girls on the quad. In typical Noelle fashion she wanted nothing to do with it for days and would not get on. I convinced her to get on to take a picture after Madeleine took a little ride in the driveway with Daddy. Soon Daddy took off and she was having the time of her life! She kept screaming, "Faster! Faster! Faster!" Good thing I was not around anymore. The we went with Denise and the kids to the park because the school district there gives out free lunches Monday-Friday. Can you believe that? It was super fun.
Lastly, we took the boat out in the afternoon. The weather was gorgeous! Kind of windy but it felt great. Once again my little girl about lost her mind when her Daddy went out on the tube. Soon she relaxed a little, let go of her death grip on me and I was able to go for a ride.
We left the next morning for out 1000 mile 14.5 hour drive home. Aaron had to be up at 5 the next morning for a meeting. Ugh. Thankfully I have great kids and we all made it home with our minds intact!