Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yard Work!

We have been doing so much yard work! I have the most wonderful assistant. She in charge of the hose. The only downfall is when she needs a nap - it is over!

And of course she gets to do other things besides working. There is a lot of play going on for Noelle when she is not handling the hose or snacking on dirt. The slide and the swing are so much fun. She cannot get up the slide by herself yet, but she gets on that swing and has a grand time!

Here is the Bottle Brush tree that I dug out all by myself! Cut it down and then dug out the root ball. It was a lot of work but I am so glad it is gone and I will not have to clean up all those red things everywhere! But, I will miss all of the humming birds that it attracted.

This flower bed was a terrible mess! It was full of those spider plants you keep in the house. They had taken over. I dug them all out and moved over some Azaleas and Camellias and were randomly planted underneath other shrubs. Let's hope they are able to thrive here. I will move the Lemon tree come fall. Next I will fill the flower bed with impatiens and re-seed the grass that died during out sprinkler malfunction. Meanwhile, crabgrass has infiltrated. Any ideas on how to get it out?

Hopefully this yard will be beautiful when I am all done. It's slow going by yourself and tending a baby. Let's hope I am done by Chirstmas!