Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Today was a day that ranks right up there with the day I got married and the day I gave birth to my precious baby girl.

The best cousin in the world (a.k.a. Marin) got us a hook up for tickets to see a taping of the Ellen Degeneres Show. Cool, huh? Well, the cool part is that GARTH BROOKS performed.

It was AMAZING, it was UNBELIEVABLE, it was AWESOME, it was CRAZY, it was......I could go on for days. So, are you asking yourself why am I going on and on about seeing the guy perform 3 OUT OF THIS WORLD songs? Well, it only gets better. When we left the studio he was outside signing autographs. I got to stand body to body with GARTH BROOKS for at least 5 minutes, maybe even 10. I got his autograph on my CD. I kind of actually had a short conversation with him. Marin and I got to take 2 pictures with him. We called my Aunt and he spoke on the phone with her.

He really and truly may be the kindest man I have ever met. He must have heard Marin say my name in passing because I never did and he addressed me by name. He remembered us when we came back for the second time to get a picture with him. I am just so pleasantly surprised at how kind he was.

The whole experience was so fulfilling. I still cannot believe it happened!

The show airs Monday, Feb 25th at 4:00 on channel 4. You may get to see my first television appearance. I am the blond screaming like a 9 year old girl who saw Hannah Montana.


Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

totally jealous.

but i do believe this will be your 2nd television appearance, and both times you were screaming like a 9 year old who just saw Hannah Montana. Only the 1st time she wasn't even around yet... it was Bob Barker that made you scream like that... and bounce in your chair!!! :) how fun was that?!

so glad you had such a great time and got to meet Garth... I love that man!

Liz Rose said...

Hee hee--I'm glad you had such a great time! The best line is....screaming like a 9 year old girl who saw Hannah Montana. :) That just makes me laugh!!
Love the picture of Noel(ie) on the side! :)

Melanie said...

I totally have my tivo set to record your television debut, and oh yeah, to see Garth too. Can't wait for pictures!

Thanks for all you did for this weekend. You really are fabulous. I need to have you give me some cooking lessons, and I am totally not kidding.