Friday, September 19, 2008

"Perfect" Baby Girl

"Perfect" is the adjective Dr. Tabsh used on Wednesday after my ultrasound. Music to our ears! What a contrast to how worried I was 3 months ago. She looked adorable on the ultrasound moving everywhere, gulping down amniotic fluid. He even paused so we could "look at that cute button nose!" Dr. Tabsh is a very stern man of few words with NO bedside manner. So, something like that coming out of his mouth is nothing short of a miracle.

She is in the head down position, which is news I like and weighs an estimated 2lbs 5oz. I got a green light on taking some Zyrtec for my allergies because I am MISERABLE.

He also wants me to switch Endocrinologists and see Dr. Tamagna, who I heard is the best but she is not accepting new patients. His reply (in a deep Lebanese accent) was, "Well, tell that crazy Cooper I want you to see Tamagna." I saw Cooper today and apparently she thinks he got her kids into some fancy shmancy school and got her son a job at the hospital so he is going to get me an appointment on Monday. He also confirmed she is head down by squeezing my belly...ouch! Noelle greeted him by pulling up her shirt and he thanked her for showing him her breasts....everyone else does anyway.


Kaye said...

that is so fantastic....congratulations. I am so happy for you, you've been through too much!

TheKeilShpeel said...

That's always so comforting to hear everything looks great.

Noelle is too funny.

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

GREAT NEWS!!! I love it. Cooper is nuts-o crazy. Between your stories and Heathers I feel like I need to meet this man.

Amy Higley said...

Glad to hear all is well with your other "perfect girl" and that Noelle is still not shy! I want to see pictures of you and your belly. Work on that. :)

What are you allergic to in LA in the fall? That is not good news to me, the most allergic human on earth, to invisible air-born things. Can't be worse than Texas, can it?

KickButtMommy said...

You are beyond right about TABSH. NO bedside manner whatsoever. I am shocked he said something nice like that. Take what you can get, right? Good luck getting in with the endo! I see Cooper again on Thursday. Can't wait. I just hope I don't have to wait 3 hours this time. And I will be perfectly happy if I don't have to see Tabsh at all this pregnancy!

Jo said...

Congrats on the good news! Shew! What a relief!