Friday, September 5, 2008

A Week In Review

We were at Auntie's house last week and after Noelle had been playing outside she was awfully dirty. She asked Unc for a bath and I guess he could not resist. Normally I take jammies when we are there in the evening but I did not have any with me. So, Auntie took an old shirt and after some magic with her scissors and sewing machine. Voila! We have a night gown!

Noelle's first real hair cut. She needed it so bad but I could not decide what I really wanted. Aunt Lorrie finally convinced me to just do it, so we did! It really was a good experience all around and she looks cute!


I just know when Noelle is going to wake up early, I always wake up. So, at five this morning I was mostly awake. Around six I hear her door and then she is saying, "Mommy, sleep with you!" Which to my utter amazement, she did. She snuggled in right next to me and fell asleep. Soon she took over my pillow and pushed me right over the edge so I got up. Noelle and her Daddy look EXACTLY the same when they are sleeping. It freaks me out!


Melissa said...

oh a first hair cut... I swear I will never be able to give my daughter one cause she just doesn't have any. :)

Jo said...

Love the new "do"! She's adorable!

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

she looks so much older!! can't wait to see her in person. miss you. love you. hope you're feelin good and havin accident free days!!

Denise Stears said...

Cute hair! Love the sleeping picture. Macey is the same way, she has to snuggle right up against me and take over my side. I love how her mouth is open, did she drool?

KickButtMommy said...

Ella does this almost every day. Wakes up early, climbs in bed with us, falls asleep, and eventually pushes me out. She's cute to look at though.

Rosey Posey said...

Cute hairstyle on her. Her Auntie is awesomely talented to just whip a nightgown.