Friday, November 14, 2008


"It's shut like the gates of...the gates of...the gates of I don't know where." My cervix according to Cooper

I was really, really hoping for some progress but nope. Her head has moved down more, so that is good. Hopefully, next week will be different. He put me on his schedule for an induction on the 25th. I am not dead set on it, we will see how this week progresses. A scheduled induction is NOOOOOOOOOOT what I want.

Dr. Tamagna does, though, she's all for it. She reduced my PTU from 300mg to 200mg! Very good news. She wants to keep an eagle eye on things until delivery so I did blood work Friday, more today, and again next Friday, then I see her for an appointment on the 24th. Hopefully, we can reduce again this week. But, we need to be prepared for an huge up-swing after delivery and she told me not to hope for remission. My thyroid has been too resistant and the gland is still really big so, there ya go.

We're going to Knott's Berry Farm tomorrow courtesy of Ecolab. Aaron's group met their 3rd quarter goal in spite of this horrible economy, so they won a party. Couldn't you just give us the money instead? But, walking is good, right? We'll see how long I last.


Kaye said...

Oh, the waiting game....I remember it well! I've got a few suggestions to help speed things up, but inductions can be good...if you have good drugs! Good luck, hang in there!

Suzanne said...

I did NOT want to be induced with Lily. Then the last week of my pregnancy the doctor was a little concerned with fluid levels. As soon as she said; "I'd like to have this baby today." I freaked out, but I was thrilled to be done being pregnant.

You're almost there. Just think of the prize at the end. :)

Liz Rose said...

Eyes on the prize! Hope you had fun at Knotts Berry Farm! Never been before. Keep us posted!

MaryAnn said...

You can do it!

Jo said...

As hard as it is to do, cherish the moment. This is the last time you'll be doing this and believe me you'll wish you could do it again!