Sunday, November 2, 2008

Election Day

As election day looms ahead everyone is all over the board...there is a palpable energy everywhere we go.

I have started this post over many, many times. Putting my feelings into a few sentences is not possible so I will say this:

Please don't automatically think those who support Proposition 8 are discriminators, haters, intolerant, ignorant, or have no compassion. There are so very many reasons that have nothing to do with sexual orientation or religious convictions including social changes, civil rights, fiscal ramifications, personal values, moral values, and so on.

I support Proposition 8 in order to preserve the definition of marriage that has been on this earth since the beginning of the human race. One man and one woman is the only union that can create a child...this should be the TRADITIONAL definition of marriage.

If you want to enter into a union with someone of the same sex you should be able to do that. You should have your own seperate definition.

In 2000 California voted on Proposition 22 to define marriage as between a man and a woman and it passed. The way the Supreme Court overturned this was should worry you that 4 judges would decide "that the peoples feelings or perceptions have changed." This is not how our judicial system was set up to work and it could lead us to dangerous places.

Seperation of Church and State

I believe in a higher power, in a creator, in God, a Father in Heaven who created a divine plan for those of us on earth. His plan includes a Mother, a Father, and children. This is not always possible or ideal, but it's what we should strive for.

I am beyond BLESSED and GRATEFUL to live in this free country. We can complain all we want about this government (I have done my fair share) but truth be told it is the best government this world has to offer. I would rather live here than any other country.

May our Heavenly Father bless you, those you love, and your wonderful families with all you want and stand in need of. May this election bring great things to pass for us. May we find renewed faith and hope in the common man, for that is what we all are, common. May we learn to love, respect and understand each other better. May we learn to be more forgiving and less contentious.


Lori said...


Kelly said...

That was very well said! I love people that look at all sides of an issue. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Kaye said...

Beautifully put...thanks!