Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

From the Jones Family!
We hope this year brings success, love, happiness and anything else your hearts desire. We are looking forward to what 2009 will bring our way. Whatever it may be, we are just grateful to have each other and being able to watch our sweet girls grow.

Aaron and I rung in the New Year from our couch with a bottle of Martinelli's last night. That is how is goes when you have a little one that can't be away from her Mommy. It was so exciting, it took every ounce I had to keep my sleep deprived eyes open.

This morning Madeleine is snoozing, Daddy and Noelle are playing outside while I have a German Pancake in the oven. I am also getting a turkey and all the fixings going for a special New Year's dinner. I could not ask for more, it's pure domestic bliss!


Denise Stears said...

Happy New Year to you guys! We actually stayed up too. We were just planning on going to bed around 10, but my parents decided to come over so we had to stay up and see the new year. So we are a little tired today, but we are excited for this year and what it will bring. I hope we can see each other soon. We miss you guys.

Melissa said...

Happy New Year! Jeremiah and I celebrated with Alicia, Mark and friends and then stayed up until 4 a.m. talking, really, talking ... needless to say we are T-I-R-E-D. Now we are ringing in the new year with some good old fashioned packing. Yeah for us!