Monday, January 12, 2009

Introducing Aaron-etta

As time marches on I realize more and more that my girls are just like their Daddy in so many ways. Both of them sleep exactly like him. You see this sleeping baby? Now you know what I have sleeping on either side of me every night. I now think maybe we should have named her Aaron-etta.

Not only does she look just like him but she also is in love with her Daddy. Look at how she looks at him! This wasn't a fluke either, it's always this way. Just staring at Daddy...


Kaye said...

That's so sweet....makes me sad for Scott. I love those pics of her just staring like she is so in love....precious!

Denise Stears said...

Oh what a sweet little daddy's girl! Aaron looks like he is in love too. Babies bring so much joy!