Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I thought seasonal allergies do not show up until after the first year, especially is breastfed babies but it's exactly what Madeleine seems to have. This is the forth time it's happened. She starts sneezing, her eyes drain and her nose runs. It's really bad the first day and then tapers off only to start again a week or two later. Plus, she spits up more because of all mucus in her tummy. My poor girl is miserable! If the drooling is not enough....every orifice on the girls face is producing liquid.

I love that every time she is in the swing she puts her left foot up on the bar. Always.


Denise Stears said...

Poor thing! We have been fighting colds. Both Cole and Carter have it and I have never seen so much snot come out of little babies before. It's so disgusting! It's so hard at this age because you can't really give them anything to help them dry up.

KickButtMommy said...

Every time I see a picture of Madeline I just want to squeeze her! She is such a cutie.

just2Bjulie said...

Didn't Noelle do something cute like always putting one foot up somewhere, too?

Madeleine is totally yummy. Do you ever lick her? I would.