Things were a little too quiet so I went looking for my girl.
She was under the table eating an otter pop.
We were heading out and I get to the car.
No one else is there.
Back inside the house.
Daddy's in the chair reading to his girls.
Noelle has been going to a fun class for pre-school aged children at the Parks & Rec. Poor girl has been begging to go back to school. They had an end of the year party at the aquatic center. Super Fun! Slides, sprayers,and buckets on poles that randomly dump water.
Noelle was so excited to go before she even came out of her room that morning she had already put on her swim suit. While I was trying to make the sandwiches we signed up to bring for the pot luck lunch, they would not leave me alone.
My solution?
The Vacuum.
Both of them love it and it worked like a charm.
I think it's a great thing that my kids crack me up. :)
Once we made it the Pool, we had a was a blast. We stayed for hours!