Monday, June 18, 2012


We got to go to Texas to visit Aunt Amy and Uncle JoJo.  I loaded all four of these babies up in our minivan and headed east.  Yep.  All myself.  I rocked it and so did my kids.  They are amazing.

Our first (and second?  Can't exactly remember) day it rained.  And rained.  And rained.
Madeleine had the time of her life jumping in puddles.

And then hurt her little foot and that was the end of that.

 And you know what rain makes? 
A lot of awesome mud.

Let's talk about the food. 
Oh, the food!
Chicken & Dumplings
Egg Rolls
Lox & Bagels
Jam made from berries we picked ourselves
and slathered all over rolls right out of the oven.
The Blue Bonnet Cafe! 
Amy is professional chef and we are going to make one day big.
On our little farm.
Where our kids can run free and play. 
All day.  Every day!  Like kids should.
And we'll grow everything ourselves and turn it into amazing food. 
Just you wait and see!
Two boxes of Popsicles were consumed.
Uncle JoJo is the best.
He played endless games of Old Maid and War.
(And when I say, endless, I mean it!)
Aunt Amy was always willing to hold someone.
Even long after they'd fallen asleep.
And we went to play at the park. 
We made sure everyone got to have a good time!

We also went to a swim party.
Joseph was happy to be on baby duty.
I just kept switching them out.

After swimming we ate a great meal.
Adam sat in a high chair and literally ate everything he could for 90 minutes.
But little Courtney Ann was all about the corn!

Many nights before bed the girls could be found here.

Once we even let the littles get in on the fun! 
It was fun and literally exhausting. 

Isn't he just so handsome?!

And that was it. 
I feel like I spent half the time with my eye through the view finder but don't have pictures of half of what we did.  Weird.

Thanks for letting us blow in and completely disrupt your quiet newlywed life.
We made memories that will last forever.


karen said...

looks like so much fun!

KickButtMommy said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures. I love them all. Looks like a wonderful time.

julianna said...

You two can be the next ree and hycanith