Friday, May 23, 2008

Early Mornings.....

Noelle used to sleep in until 7:30-8:00, sometimes even later. It was really nice. If I was tired I could sleep in a little but normally I would wake around 6:30 and go downstairs to have some alone time. Now that we have taken off the front of her crib and turned it into a toddler bed, her wake up time is 6:00, ugh! It's getting old. I know there are all of you Moms that have to work or have kids in seminary and have to get up early, so ignore this. Why am I complaining, anyway? I used to wake at 4:45 to catch a 6:00 train when I worked.

Then there was this morning...... I hear her on the side of my bed and crack my eye open, it's 6:10, dang! She climbs up on the bed, lays down next to me for about 30 seconds (which is actually a long time for her!) then she throws her arms around my neck, nuzzles her sweet soft face into mine and says, "I love you, Mama!" My heart melted and I am just so grateful that I get to be her Mommy.

In an hour or so when she is screaming and crying I need to remind myself of that moment.


Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

Joy in simple moments. It goes a long way. She is such a sweet girl.

Disneyland next Wed? Let me know if you're available.

Katie said...

Everyone I've talked to lately has said their kids are getting up earlier and earlier. I think it's because it's light at 6am. We're on our way to buy some blackout shades this week. Both my kids getting up before 7am does not work for me.

Kim said...

My kids do that too, but now it's more often when they don't have school. It's getting harder to wake them up at 7 to get ready in time and on the weekends they're up sometimes before 6! Don't they know they have it backwards?!!

Jo said...

So sweet! Those sweet times make all the rough times well worth it!