Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Pressure Is Rising...

My blood pressure, that is. Dang. At my Dr appointment a couple of weeks ago it was too high, so he told me to keep checking it and let him know. I had to go today because it has not gone down. I saw another doctor because Cooper is on vacation. This guy seriously had the personality of a door knob, but whatever, I have to start medication. Seriously stinks. Got to hear little baby's heartbeat....160....same as Noelle's always was. I know that is a fallacy but I am thinking maybe GIRL!

Yosemite pictures will be up soon...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, another baby on the way, that is so exciting! I am sorry to hear about your blood pressure,that is a bummer. I was so happy to get your note on our blog! I miss you, we should try together sometime since we now live in the same state!

Other than the blood pressure dealeo' how are you feeling?

TheKeilShpeel said...

I hope everything goes ok with your pregnancy. Do you have to go on bed rest if it gets to high or just have to take medicine?

Can't wait to see Yosemite pics.

Amy Higley said...

Hi. Sorry to hear about your rising blood pressure. That's no fun! Just wanted to say hi and tell you that I check your blog all the time hoping for new pictures. Here's our new blog address... http://marshigleys.blogger.com Come check it out! XOXO

Amy Higley said...

i totally mean marshigleys.blogspot.com