Friday, June 20, 2008

...We Have An Answer...

This sounds really weird to tell people, it seems like it's lethal, but it actually is a good thing because I have an answer to all of these weird symptoms for the last year that have honestly made me feel sort of crazy.

Aunt Lorrie went with me to see the endocrinologist. The moment he laid eyes on me he knew I have GravesDisease . Given the lab results, swollen legs, rapid heart beat, high blood pressure, shaking hands, my weird looking eyes and most of all my bulging thyroid.....the list goes on. I have seen doctors for a lot of the things I feel, especially the unbearable itching, but they all said I was fine.

So, I had to increase the blood pressure medication again today and started a medication called, propylthiouracil (PTU), which is the safest route while I am pregnant. The doctor said I should be feeling better soon and we will go from there. He assured me that baby is probably doing fine, the biggest problem we could face is that s/he could be very small. I am still worried, especially since this was uncontrolled during the first trimester and some of the medication does cross the placenta. But, uncontrolled disease is worse for the baby and we just have to trust that Heavenly Father is taking care of our sweet miracle.

Unfortunately, it seems to be that I do not have the only somewhat positive side effect of this disease has: weight loss. The doctor said that it may be because of the heart failure that the Graves causing. Awesome.

I'm off to check out my goiter in the mirror again. You seriously can't see it unless you know what you are looking for. My Aunt Debra just tells me that she thought I had the fat 'Higley Neck.' :)


Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

Well, not that I'm glad you are sick... just really glad that there's an explaination for all that you've been going through! Of course it's all related! That totally makes sense... too bad the doctors didn't put it all together months ago! dumbies.

Let me know what I can do for you... seriously...

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, this sounds so awful. I'm really sorry to hear it. I'm glad you finally saw a doctor who could give you an answer and hopefully a cure. I wish you tons of safe, healthy wishes!

We love you.

(Higley Neck, very funny)

Erin said...

You are amazing. we live in a time of amazing technology and they will take great care of you. thoughts and prayers on your behalf dear dear Elizabeth. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about all of the craziness that you have been experiencing lately, but like you said at least you now know the is worse to not know what is going on. We will keep your little baby and you in our prayers! We love you! We need to get together sometime, it would be so much fun! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out!

Jo said...

Wow Girl! You are amazing doing all the things you're doing and going through all the things you're going through. Simply amazing!!!!

Melanie said...

Just for the record, I never thought you were crazy.
Of course I'm not happy you are sick, but I am glad you can move toward feeling better now. I just love you so darn much. Please let me know what I can do to help. Love that baby too!

Rosey Posey said...

I am glad that they figured out what was wrong. Sounds like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will keep you in our prayers. I am sure Heavenly Father is watching out for you and your little one.

Angie said...

Hi! Long time no talk! Email me if you get a chance! It's good to see that you are doing ok, and I hope you get well! It's no fun being sick. Congrat's on the pregnancy! I miss you! It's been too long! Please call me if there's anything that I can do for you! Much love- Angie W.

MaryAnn said...

Well there's a name for it all. That makes you feel more sane. Sorry to hear that you've been feeling this way for so long. I hope the medicine is helpful and works quickly so you don't have to feel this way anymore. I am soo glad to hear that babyshould be okay. I was thinking a small baby is proabably good new, knowing how big Noelle is ;). Let me know if you feel up to a park day or need a break from things. -MaryAnn

Amy Higley said...

I miss reading your new blog posts. I hope you're feeling better. Love and kisses to all FOUR of you!


KickButtMommy said...

Elizabeth, I was sad to get on your blog and read that you are having a hard time. I am glad they found out what it is and can medicate you properly. Hang in there!

Kim said...

Wow!! I had no idea. I am so glad that you finally have an answer. Let me know if you need a break! ~K

Alice Jane said...

Hey Elizabeth! I found you on April's blog! So sad to hear about your goiter. Crazy thing, one of my friends here was just diagnosed with Grave's. I have two friends in my ward with it. Now that their meds are working they seem to be functioning well. Scary! I hope you get better soon! You look beautiful!

Kat said...

Lih Beh!!! I have not checked your blog in way too long! It seems like whenever I get a chance to do my own blog it's 3 am and I have no time to check everyone else's! Anyway, I'm going to be more conistent, because hello!!! You are sick and pregnant! Congrats and sorry too! I will pray for you that everything will go well. I miss you!