Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hilariously Embarrassing

I am checking my e-mail, as I am sure you all see, there are always advertisements on the side bar for weight loss products. Saturday morning Noelle is sitting on my lap and an ad pops up for, "Lose Belly Fat Now!" There are two pictures side by side, one of a flat tummy...the other not so flat.

Noelle points her little finger at the screen and says, "See Mommy's tummy?" I point to the flat one and ask, "That one?" She points to the not so flat one and says, "No, that one." We go back and forth a few more times because I am sure she was just confused. Nope. Finally I pull up my shirt and her eyes light up, "See! There it is." While pointing at my mid-section. Oh, gag. Please someone help me.

Another one that I don't want to forget:

Noelle: "Mommy, where are you?"

Mommy: "I'm right here by you."

Noelle: "Where's Daddy?"

Mommy: "He's at work"

Noelle: "Getting the money?"

Mommy: "Yes, I guess he is getting the money."

Now she loves to tell everyone that Daddy is at work 'getting the money.' So, last night....

Daddy: "While Daddy is at work getting the money what does Mommy do during the day?"

Noelle: "Feeds Madeleine the milk."

It's amazing to me what things they pick up and and file away in their little brains!


Pam said...

I am telling you I think that Noelle needs glasses:) That is just too funny!

Jo said...

I love little kids! That is too precious!

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

that girl! she's too cute!

julianna said...

that is hilarious