Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Hate It When...

The dishwasher is full of clean dishes and the sink is full of dirty dishes! Unloading the dishwasher is the absolute worst!


I gotta just do it and get it over with.


Pam said...

That is too funny! That bugs me also. What is the deal? I have been known to wash dishes by hand and dry them on the side of the sink just so I don't need to empty the dishwasher. I hate putting dishes away but wait till Noelle gets older....that will be her job:)

Denise Stears said...

I am the same way. If I just kept the dishwasher empty then I would put my dirty dishes in there and the sink would stay empty. It's so simple, but I hate doing it.

Kelly said...

I hate that as well! Especially when it is after dinner and you have just cooked a whole meal and now you have to unload the dishwasher and then reload it! So much work!!

Kim said...

I totally agree! We have a deal that whoever cooks (always me of course), the other has to do dishes. However, this only seems to apply if the dishwasher is empty. Otherwise they just get stacked in the sink and I get stuck doing them once I empty the dishwasher. I agree with your BOO!

Jo said...

I have no idea what you're talking about..... ;)

Amy Higley said...

I hate that too! So much! I agree with what everyone says up there.

I need a kitchen helper to follow behind me cleaning as I go. Wait, I do have one, it's me!

julianna said...

i would unload all day long, if only i didn't have to load up the dirty ones and get my hands and dirty and then have ot wash them lots and then need to go get lotion...