Sunday, April 26, 2009

5 Months

Sorry for sounding like a broken record but, 5 MONTHS!?!?

They say time flies when you're having fun, guess I'm having a blast. Little Miss Madeleine Gracie-Girl is growing so fast, is so giggly, grabs any and everything she can and is turning into a blabber mouth. I remember Noelle having a lot of drool when she was teething but that was nothing compared to this poor girl, it even runs down my arms when I'm holding her.

Last Saturday we were at Auntie's house going through old pictures, we found an old family video and turned it on. There were some funny, funny things and we both were cracking up, then we realized Madeleine was, too. Oh, how I wished we'd could have gotten it on video! We both stopped looked at each other and this baby was in stitches....head thrown back, wide open mouth laughing. I guess she was just picking up on the vibe. When she realized we'd stopped she broke into tears, I guess she was sad the fun was over.

1 comment:

KickButtMommy said...

She is such a dolly! Can't wait to introduce her to Miley!