Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pool Time

Since the heat wave is pretty much over, we decided to hit the pool today. Smart, huh? It was only about 72 degrees and kind of windy but the water was fabulous! I'm so glad I did not bag it at the last minute.
We got to the pool and realized I'd forgotten my camera...I was so upset! But, my phone saved the day. Madeleine had the best time in the pool, she's definitely a water baby.

Madeleine's first experience in a bathing suit was first experience back in a bathing suit was absolutely horrible to put it mildly. I'm working hard but the weight isn't budging. I know one morning I'm going to jump out of bed, my clothes will fit and all those miles and missed chocolate will be well worth it. Right?!


Kaye said...

my body was the same way....I'd go forever and not lose weight.....super just takes a while...good luck :)

karen said...

I feel your pain. I guess I should head out for my walk. Cute pics!

Liz Rose said...

She is such a cutie!!! I can't wait to get into that pool over there again!!! Hoping Will will enjoy the water as well. (Guess they don't really have too much of a choice)

Melanie said...

So cute in the pool! I love the tiny baby in the giant floatie.
I so hear you about the clothes not fitting.

Clint and Kristen Family said...

Hit the weight room, baby! And remember to eat something every 2-3 hours. (p.s. I remember you having some good/easy soup recipes. Anything simple you can share here in blog world?)

Rosey Posey said...

I love baby pool pictures! Man she is a cutie!