Monday, April 20, 2009

Trash Truck

Noelle loves to hate the trash truck. She can spot one of them from a mile away and has always excitedly pointed them out from the time she was a little baby. She used to call them a 'truck trash.' Monday is trash day and by far the most exciting day of the week around here. We hear him first thing in the morning and the antics continue through most of the day. Looking at him through the window is incredibly exciting but being outside when he is actually at our house is nothing short of a panic attack. Three different trucks come by: one for trash, one for recycling and one for yard waste. It's load of fun.

We have several conversations a day about what he does and doesn't pick up, here is the one we had at 6:15 yesterday morning when my sweet slumber was interrupted:

Noelle: "Mommy, it's the trash truck!"

Mommy: "Yep."

Noelle: "Mommy, the trash truck is not going to pick me up, right?"

Mommy: "No, the trash truck is not going to pick you up."

Noelle: "Mommy, the trash truck is not going to pick Madeleine up, right?"

Mommy: "No, the trash truck is not going to pick Madeleine up."

Noelle: "Mommy, the trash truck is not going to pick up my green, right?" (green = favorite blanket)

Mommy: "No, the trash truck is not going to pick up your green."

Noelle: "Mommy, the trash truck is not going to pick my stroller up, right?"

Mommy: "No, the trash truck is not going to pick your stroller up."

Noelle: "Mommy, the trash truck only gets the trash cans, right?

Mommy: "Yes, the trash truck only gets the trash cans."

It will be a sad, sad day for me when the trash truck comes and we no longer have these conversations.


Kim said...

That is so cute! I had never thought how scary it would be to see this huge truck that picks things up, turns them upside down and shakes them into the back. So sweet!

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