Monday, April 6, 2009

Miss Noelle... turning into little Miss Attitude.

Her reply these days for almost anything is, "This is too strange!"

Mommy: "Will you get Madeleine a clean diaper?"
Noelle" "Nah, I don't feel like it."

They say it's a developmental milestone when your child can reason and lie. Not sure I'm so happy about this.

Mommy: "Please give me the jelly beans back, you did not ask for them."
Noelle: "I don't have them." (quickly hides them behind her back)

Mommy: "Go wash your hands before we eat, they're dirty."
Noelle: "I don't need to, I already washed them!"
Mommy: "No, you just came in from outside."
Noelle: "I already washed them." (waving her hands in my face)


Suzanne said...

And so it begins...

I feel for you.

Denise Stears said...

I hear ya!

Rosey Posey said...

Sneaky... sneaky