Wednesday, April 8, 2009


You know when you are really hungry to begin with and then when you start preparing the food you almost go crazy because you are SO HUNGRY!? That was me tonight. It has been a long day, baby has been fussier than normal and Noelle has been like an Atom huge disaster to clean up after another. Aaron has been know how those days go.

It seemed like it was taking hours for the food finish cooking. Madeleine was screaming, Noelle kept stealing food and pulling at me saying over and over and over, "I'm REALLY hungry." I finally get everyone situated, the first bite is on it's way to my mouth...suddenly Madeleine's little hand catches the side of my bowl and it all goes flying everywhere. Really? REALLY? All I could do is laugh. So, I picked little pieces of chicken out of baby's hair, got both of them in bed, and had Graham Crackers & Milk for dinner. Fabulous.


Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

hope today is better!

MaryAnn said...

You need to call me on those days and I'd be glad to relieve you of children/babies, so you can have an hour of sanity. I've been there, but only with 1.