Saturday, August 29, 2009

9 Months

Oh, how do I put this little girl into words?
She's just too funny, smart, and emotional for her own good.

You would honestly think this baby is a celebrity the way people stop us on the streets; of course her big blue eyes are what get the most attention, second only to her disposition. They often ask if she is always that happy. The answer is, generally yes, as long as she is getting my undivided attention. Forget putting her down with toys and trying to accomplish anything worthwhile.

Noelle loves her sister to death (almost literally, I sometimes fear) but is sometimes not the best playmate. Madeleine hates it when her toys are taken directly out of her hands (can't say that I blame her) but Noelle is just trying to get in on the fun. Madeleine also has yet to realize that doing steam roller But, no one can make baby sister smile and giggle like big sister. I love, love, love that they have one another and can't wait to see how their relationship continues to grow and change over time

This wouldn't be complete without putting in a couple of words in for Daddy, too. The best part of every one's day around here is when Daddy's car pulls into the driveway. Oh, the happiness. We usually meet him outside and her little chubby arms can't grab hold of him fast enough and she starts making this laughing noise that I can only liken to a hyena with a sore throat. They have a little game that they play where Daddy bumps his nose against hers and she now is the initiator of what is affectionately known as, "nose, nose, nose" said in a little sing-songy tone.

She is so very close to crawling but hasn't quite figured out the coordination of all the movements. If she would spend more time on that rather than screaming to be rescued she'd been off and moving long ago. For now she backs herself into walls, corners and chairs, which is really no fun for anyone.

This morning she waved, "Hello" to someone for the first time. So darn cute. Her little arm flapping her hand up and down every time I said, "Say Hello."

I set her down on the grass to see what would happen. First she wasn't sure, then she played a little, lastly she cried. I'm sure it was poking her tender skin.

I need to get this on video but always hate to interrupt her impromptu games of peek-a-boo. I could literally eat her.
This last one is for you, Amy.
Get ready - this butterball is coming your way!
Weight: 21 pounds (80%)
Length: 28 inches (57%) don't think this is accurate, kept measuring with different lengths
Head: 17 inches (59%)


Amy Higley said...

Oh my goodness! Beautiful. Cannot wait!

KickButtMommy said...
