Monday, August 24, 2009


It's after 1:00am and I'm up. Really, should be in bed.

I hear a door open and wait for what she's gonna say.

"I haft-a go potty Mommy."

Oh, her sweet sleepy voice
How does she know it's me still up?
I love hearing her little feet pattering upstairs.

I go up to help her and see her sweet sleepy face.

While she's doing her business:

"I was holding your hand so tight. I haft-a hold your hand at Costco."

Her dreams are always too sweet.
The fact that she does has yet to realize that they are not factual events makes them even more endearing.

Get her back in bed and asks if she can sleep on the ground.
Ever known anyone who LOVES to sleep on the ground?

I love this little girl more than life itself.
And that's saying something because I've got a pretty great life.

1 comment:

Rosey Posey said...

Awe... I love the "Mom" moments.