Saturday, January 7, 2012

Month Three

We have arrived at month three!!! 
And everyone was not just surviving but dare I say thriving?
I love October...the holidays are on their way. YEA!
Although...this year the thought of all the
decorating, baking, costumes, gifts, etc.
made me just a wee bit nervous.

Here are some highlights of our month (not in chronological order.)

We read them books...

Quite a bit of time was spent just looking at their stunning faces.

We got to celebrate it in so many ways...
Had friends over for a hot dog roast and making caramel apples. 
Ward Trunk or Treat
Costume dress up at Ballet
Halloween jammies were a huge hit!
The babies' jammies glowed in the dark and I did not realize this...
First time they wore them and woke up
at night, I had a little giggle.

Pumpkin Patch fun. 
When we got there I realized my camera battery was dead.
This one from my phone was it. Darn.

Sysco bowling party...
We had a blast just like last year.
The girls even won 2rd place in the costume contest!

Finally Halloween came, after soup and rolls with friends...
(missed doing it with you, Neighbor ♥)

Trick or Treat time it was!

Like it or not...these two were there, too.

One night the Ehats called, "Send the girls out right now!"
Chris had rented a a limo for their anniversary and took the family out for frozen yogurt. 
Then they came back to the neighborhood and picked up friends for a dance party.
The limo driver said it was by far the most fun he has ever had at work!
Everyone else just uses him as a DD.

We went to the New Mexico State Fair!
$20 to get in.
$11 so Aaron and Noelle could get on ONE ride.
$15 for face paining we washed off before bed.
$5 bag of kettle corn (value of the day).

And here is where I accidentally deleted all of the other 15 photos.
That I spent 45 precious minutes getting (sort of) formatted.
I could run screaming through the streets.

To Be Continued.....


KickButtMommy said...

I didn't know Xander's jammies glowed either. Freaky. The girls' costumes are the bestest ever. Fun limo ride! And have you tried using picassa to upload pics to your blog. It might save your sanity.

Liz Rose said...

Oh how I love being your "neighbor". :) I think I will always and refer to you as that now and forever.
I love it that you were able to "giggle" in the middle of the night at a feeding. That just goes to show your golden mama heart is so good.
Happy New year!
Looking forward to month 4!